
Friday, July 8, 2016

Quote of Today

You don't have to be positive all the time. It's perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, scared, or anxious. Having feelings doesn't make you a "negative person." It makes you human. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Six Things You Need To Know If Your Partner Is An Overthinker

over-thinking is one of our many blessings in disguise, however, it can also prove to be a curse more often than not. Most of the time over-thinkers can never sleep since their brains are constantly in motion.

Always analyzing and deciphering their day, wondering how they could've done things differently or thinking about what they could've been doing instead. It's important to know how to handle dating an over-thinker, and here's six things you should know when you do!

1. Can Always Talk To Them About A Problem

You do not have to worry if you feel like you can or can't come to them with a problem, they will always listen to what you have to say, be it a big problem or small. Over-thinkers have a very thorough thought process when it comes to problem solving and they love a good challenge when it comes their way. So the next time you feel as if something is weighing you down, go ahead and let them know!

2. Saying Sorry Is A Really Big Deal

When an over-thinker says sorry, it's a pretty big deal to them and they treat it that way as well. If they say sorry to you for something that they truly think they needed to confront you and tell you personally, then you must accept their apology. Just remember that they have thought it over more times than they can count and they sincerely mean sorry when they say it to you. They do not like being filled with regret for hurting your feelings or making you sad in anyway possible.

3. Try A Different Approach To First Dates

Over-thinkers hate it when they feel like they are being interviewed, they are already thinking of a million questions as it is, they would really much rather prefer that you go somewhere stimulating that won't make them think too hard about the date itself. They want to enjoy their time with you but at the same time want to enjoy your presence enough to make them comfortable speaking with you about the things on their mind. They are quite the interesting beings to fall in love with, but they sure are something else!

4. Do Not Mistake Them For Control Freaks
 Over-thinkers are not control freaks, they are simply just thinking about everything all of the time which means that they are going to act on some of those thoughts which may seem like they are trying to be controlling. This is never the case. Over-thinkers just like to make sure that they test all of their points of view before they officially conclude their thoughts on something. It's best that you play along with their thoughts just so that they can make sure that everything is as it should be.

 5. Please Decide Where You Both Should Eat

Over-thinkers hate deciding on a place to go eat. They prefer it if you make the decision just so they do not overheat their minds trying to decide what kind of food they want to have for dinner. If you start listing off places in hopes that they will decide on the spot, they will give you all of the ups and downs of literally everything that is the restaurant. So please, if you would be so kind to them and decide on a place. They really don't care for the destination they just don't want to overthink it.

6. Say Exactly What You Mean

It is important to mean what you say and say what you mean to an over-thinker. Otherwise, you will soon begin to realize that they will take everything that you say and hold it deep within their heads until they are ready to confront you about it. Be mindful of them, understand that they are thinking of every single word that you say to them and are dissecting it down to the last detail. They will not let whatever you say go, it will stay in their heads until you tell them otherwise.

Hopefully this has helped you with dating an over-thinker! Just keep these things in mind and tell them that you are happy to be spending your time with them.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Quote of The Day

If you have a  Family that loves You , 
  A few good Friends , 
 Food on your Table
    and a roof over your Head ,
    You are  Richer than you think.

Beautiful Art

12 pictures that will blow your mind

  • 12  Two in one pictures will blow your mind Enjoy it ! 

Monday, June 27, 2016

How To Protect your self from over thinking if you can't enjoy it

Most of us consider ourselves to be ‘positive people.’ Or, at least, we try to be as often as we can. Sometimes though, our thoughts get the better of us.
Thinking about a problem can cause an overabundance of other thoughts to follow, causing an endless spiral of overthinking. Our thoughts have power- if you think too much about something, it can cause unnecessary stress and even make you feel like you are losing your mind.
“The more you overthink the less you will understand.” – Habeeb Akande
That quote holds a lot of truth. How many times have you not been thinking about something, when suddenly, out of nowhere, the answer comes to you?
It happens to me all the time. When we think about something that happened, and we try to analyze it, we sometimes create problems that weren’t even there in the first place.
Overthinking can cause serious problems in your relationships and with your mental health. Here are 5  ways to calm an overthinking mind:
1. Don’t blame yourself.
A common pattern with overthinkers is that they tend to blame themselves when things go wrong. They observe a situation and pick it apart, trying to find what they could have done differently.
You need to remember to let blame go. Things happen as they happen and if you didn’t intentionally do something wrong, then you can’t blame yourself. Life gets complicated sometimes, but there is no reason to continuously blame yourself for those complications.
2. Accept change as a part of life.

Change is inevitable. You can’t control every aspect of your life, and trying to will only cause more frustration. Some things you can control, and so you should work on them as you please.
But some things will always be out of your grasp and worrying about them is pointless.
Buddha once said, “If you have a problem that can be fixed, then there is no use in worrying. If you have a problem that cannot be fixed, then there is no use in worrying.”
3. Leave “what if” alone.
“What if” is a powerful tool for the overthinking mind. It can take you down paths you never would have journeyed before. This is exactly why you should leave it alone.
Possibilities are great to consider, but not when they lead you to a world with only negative aspects. Focus more on the present, and not what could have been, or what might be.

4. Meditate.
I know, I know, meditation is the most difficult thing for someone who is constantly in their head. That being said, I believe there is a way around the issue of ‘not being able to silence the mind.’
As an overthinker myself, I have found that using mantras during meditation, combined with relaxed breathing, improved my meditative state and allowed for more clarity. “Om Mani Padme Hum” is a personal favourite.
Buddhist Lama, Kalu Rinpoche once said, “Through mantra, we no longer cling to the reality of the speech and sound encountered in life, but experience it as essentially empty. Then confusion of the speech aspect of our being is transformed into enlightened awareness.”

5. Be patient with yourself.
Our self-talk is very powerful. Don’t be hard on yourself when you catch your mind engaging 5th gear. Decelerate, breathe, and focus. Be patient with your progress and speak to yourself with kind, supportive words. Overthinking took time to develop and it will take time to unlearn.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Are you Positive Or Negative ?

- A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.
  - Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative                thinking will.
These are two powerful quotes. Combined, they tell us that if we think positively, we're likely to enjoy positive results. Negative thinking, on the other hand, can lead to outcomes we don't want.
Positive and negative thoughts can become self-fulfilling prophecies: What we expect can often come true.
If you start off thinking you will mess up a task, the chances are that you will: You may not try hard enough to succeed, you won't attract support from other people, and you may not perceive any results as good enough.
Positive thinking, on the other hand, is often associated with positive actions and outcomes. You're drawn to, and you focus on, the positive aspects of a situation. You have hope and faith in yourself and others, and you work and invest hard to prove that your optimism is warranted. You'll enthuse others, and they may well "pitch in" to help you. This makes constructive outcomes all the more likely.
When it comes down to it, positive, optimistic people are happier and healthier, and enjoy more success than those who think negatively. The key difference between them is how they think about and interpret the events in their life.

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